July 22, 2009

7/21 ~ New Plan

The new Jake/Taylor episodes have begun. Yay!! Not that I really want them together anymore. I love Taylor with Tad, and Jake is fully committed to Amanda. I still enjoy Ricky & Beth in scenes together, and I know the actors miss working together. So, I'm beyond thrilled with new Jake/Taylor scenes. I wanted to cry at seeing Jake and Taylor together again since I love the actors together.

Now, in this episode Jake & Taylor weren't alone. Tad came home to find Jake & Amanda with their baby. So, now he knows Jake's plan to have Liza believe she has Amanda's baby when she really doesn't. Jake knows Amanda wants to raise the baby, and he wants that too. They've named the baby Trever after Amanda's father. Tad tells them he planned on having an empty house, and as he's explaining that, Taylor comes in. They have brunch planned. So, now Taylor's in on this baby thing too. She hears the entire plan, and altogether they form a new one. It's Taylor's idea to take care of the baby, have him "hide out" at her place. And at the end, Liza shows up at the door. Amanda, Jake, and Taylor go hide with the baby. Very cute, funny stuff!

Credit goes to PartyGirls04 on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/PartyGirls04

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