Jake: I'm not, I'm not. I'm saying you're walking, you're talking, you're looking amazing. You're walking. Did I say the amazing thing? Congratulations.
Taylor: Well, I couldn't have done it without you.
Jake: Oh, yeah, inspiration.
Taylor: Pain in the ass.
Jake: Tomato.
Taylor: To-mah-to.
Jake: All right, I'd ask you to dance but you'd probably step all over my feet, and I wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself in front of all these people.
Taylor: Aw. Well, I -- I would, but actually I'm meeting brot.
Jake: Oh, really.
Taylor: I think I'm early.
Jake: Well, that's ok. You know, a beautiful woman shouldn't wait alone.
Taylor: No, I'm not, I'm not --
Jake: And lucky for you I happen to be available, very available.
[Taylor laughs]
Jake: [Irish accent] It's a little thick on this side of confusion. What do you say we -- we party on the other side?
[Normal voice] Come with me. After you, go, go, go. Sorry, very rude.
Taylor: Any one, any one?
Jake: This is good. This is great. Ok, now.
Taylor: Ooh.
Jake: Finger in the glass. All right, so you are laughing, you're smiling, you're wearing a dress. That's -- that's good. What's the -- something special?
Taylor: Um, Brot got a job.
Jake: Brot got a job. Great.
Taylor: Actually it was almost a catastrophe. You know that thing that we do, people like us, where we think we know best and actually we don't?
Jake: Yes.
Taylor: I did that. I figured, you know, hey, Brot needs a job. I will get him a job. Never mind the fact that he didn't want that job. Never mind the fact that he thinks I overstepped any acceptable boundaries. Never mind the fact that he was really, really mad.
Jake: Oh, not that he's -- he's not mad anymore, then?
Taylor: He's not mad. He's not mad. We ran into each other at the hospital, and it's a long story. But anyway, he's an orderly.
Jake: Oh, that's -- that's -- that's good because if you're an orderly and you're Brot, you know, you're helping people out.
Taylor: Mm-hmm.
Jake: You know, it's probably a little better than working in a casino, anyway.
Taylor: I didn't say anything about casino. You knew I tried to get him that job?
Jake: Uh, yeah, because we had run into each other and it might have -- it might have come up.
Taylor: Ohh, that's so funny because he apologized to me, too. Did you know about that?
Jake: I -- I might have said something about rethinking his anger. I might have mentioned, you know, realizing you're the luckiest guy in the world. I might have said something about worshipping the ground she walks on.
Taylor: You didn't.
Jake: Emphasis on the worship. Well, yeah, I did. So -- what?
Taylor: You -- you are incorrigible.
Jake: Incorrigible, that's an awful big word. That's like an S.A.T. Word.
Taylor: It's like 40 points in scrabble.
Jake: Are you upset with me that I tried to talk some sense into your man?
Taylor: No, because whatever you said, it obviously worked.
Jake: That's it. I got it. My new job, I'm going to be a self-help talk show host.
Taylor: Oh, my gosh.
Jake: Yes.
Taylor: No, Jake, I don't think the world is ready for dr. Jake. You're hit and miss.
Jake: I'll tell women that they've got to man up. Stop talking so much about your feelings. It's too many words. And I'll tell men they've got to get in touch with their feminine side. Every man's got to wear a thong. Yes, that works for me. And look at this. You're laughing and you're smiling and you're walking. It's a big day for you.
Taylor: Well, it would be even better if we ended it watching telenovelas and eating popcorn.
Jake: Ah, "todos los ninos." Tell Brot about that one.
Taylor: Oh, I -- I don't know if Brot and I are ready for popcorn.
Jake: Yeah, you're right, you're right. Popcorn is very emotional. It takes time.
Taylor: It does. It takes time to be close to the one that you love, not to flinch every time she goes in for a hug.
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Taylor: You wouldn't understand the strategic manipulation required just to get a little peck on the check from this guy. He definitely needs to relax and I'm doing it again.
Jake: No, no, no, no, no.
Taylor: I'm telling you all the things that you don't want to hear.
Jake: No, I think that you and Brot are going to be just fine.
Taylor: How about you, Jake?
Jake: Me? I think that when we first got together, I knew that you loved a guy named Brot. And I was prepared to handle that. But brot alive, that was -- that was just a whole different world.
Taylor: I would understand if -- I would understand if you were sorry that you had ever met me.
Jake: No, I -- I don't -- i don't regret anything. Just maybe never knowing what could have been.
Jake: Hey, I'm not lonely. I've got -- [Barcelona accent] Esmeralda, Renaldo, all my "todos los ninos" friends from Barcelona.
Taylor: I think -- I think you are an amazing man.
Jake: Well, my mother says the same thing.
[Taylor laughs]
Jake: I should -- I should go because your date's going to be here at any second.
Taylor: Jake. I'm so glad that -- that we could be friends.
Jake: Well, don't do anything i wouldn't do. No, wait, scratch that because i would do just about anything. So --
Jake: Hey, congratulations. I think that's in order for the new orderly.
Brot: Thank you. Appreciate that. Listen, what you said before about Taylor? I really needed to hear that.
Jake and Taylor run into each other at ConFusion. He's there drinking, and she's there to meet Brot for a date. Jake keeps her company while she waits, and they share laughs and champagne. They talk about Brot. And again it seems like they're catching up; they don't see each other much anymore. At the end Jake looks longingly as Taylor hugs Brot, and for once I see the longing in Taylor too as she looks back at Jake.
Ricky and a bunch of other ABC soap stars sing songs in two commercials on SoapNet. Very funny and entertaining! The first one is "I Got You Babe", and the second is "I Think I Love You".
Credit goes to Dueler314 and superfan33847 on YouTube.
ABC Soaps In Depth is counting down their 100 Hottest Hunks, and Jake made the list. He's unfortunately only number 77, but there is an "oh-my-God-that's-freakin'-hot" picture to lose yourself in. He'll always be number 1 to me. The photo is posted here, but you can go to Ricky's Official Site for more details: http://rickypaullgoldinfans.yuku.com/topic/1096
Jake and Taylor have ANOTHER quick chat. Jake finds out that Taylor is faking her recovery to keep Brot close to her. Otherwise, Brot wouldn't be around as much. Taylor wants their love to blossom again, so to speak.
And here's the transcript courtesy of TV MegaSite:
Brot: There you go. There you go. Nice job, L.T. Good job.
Jake: Hey. Something happen? Or why are you looking so --
Taylor: Looking so good? Great coach.
Brot: I'll go get the car.
Taylor: Thanks.
Jake: What -- what's going on? I mean, either you had a major setback or -- or -- what's up? Something up?
Taylor: Brot won't leave town until I am fully recovered, so I'm taking my time. That's what this is about.
Jake: You're faking it. Oh, my -- look at you.
Taylor: Stop.
Jake: What? I have seen you run up and down these hallways practically, and now you're -- you're trying to pretend like you're an old lady. You move like a old lady.
Taylor: Ok, stop it.
Jake: What?
Taylor: I just -- I need a little bit more time with him, and this is the only way.
Jake: But what you're doing is wrong.
Taylor: I'm actually trying to help, jake.
Jake: Oh, so you're going to lie, and that's supposed to be for his own good?
Taylor: We do not have a deep enough connection yet. I need more time with him.
Jake: Wow, so that's how you get it? By pretending to an invalid?
Taylor: Could you stop being so self-righteous? I can't exactly sit down and chat with him over coffee. It's too intense for him. But if we do something like physical therapy or exercises, it -- it's actually -- he gets comfortable, and he opens up to me a little bit.
Jake: Such a shame, I thought you were making progress.
Taylor: This is my progress, ok? That's what this is about.
Jake: Hmm.
Taylor: Healing his scars, the scars that are keeping him --
Jake: From loving you?
Taylor: Yes, and from letting me love him.
Jake: No, I get it, I get it.
Taylor: Look, I've -- I've tried being honest. I've tried being tough. I've tried everything I can think of, but he runs.
The great informative, entertaining website, Soaptown USA, has named Ricky Paull Goldin as AMC's Best Recast. Hurray for Ricky! I completely agree. Thanks to Ricky's Official Site for pointing our attention to this.
Someone in the AMC casting department did something right when they acquired former CBS and Guiding Light star Ricky Paul Goldin for the coveted role of Joey "Jake" Martin.
One of Pratt's goals was to rebuild this shows core families and he is doing that by bringing back this character. The dynamics Golidn shares with his onscreen family are realistic and make it feel as if he has been a cast member of this show for years.
Goldin knows how to do drama and he knows how to do comedy, two traits that can be intermingled within this show (look at Michael E. Knight). Goldin by far has been one of the best recasts during 2008. Here's hoping that the alphabet network does everything within it's power to keep him around for many years to come.
The journey of Ricky Paull Goldin and Beth Ehlers on All My Children is now over since the show moved to Los Angeles and Beth was let go. This blog serves as an archive of their time from 2008 through 2009 as Jake Martin and Taylor Thompson.