January 8, 2009

Soaptown USA ~ Best Recast of AMC

The great informative, entertaining website, Soaptown USA, has named Ricky Paull Goldin as AMC's Best Recast. Hurray for Ricky! I completely agree. Thanks to Ricky's Official Site for pointing our attention to this.

Read the whole article of AMC's Best & Worst here: http://www.soaptownusa.com/View.html

Best Recast: Ricky Paull Goldin as Jake Martin

Someone in the AMC casting department did something right when they acquired former CBS and Guiding Light star Ricky Paul Goldin for the coveted role of Joey "Jake" Martin.

One of Pratt's goals was to rebuild this shows core families and he is doing that by bringing back this character. The dynamics Golidn shares with his onscreen family are realistic and make it feel as if he has been a cast member of this show for years.

Goldin knows how to do drama and he knows how to do comedy, two traits that can be intermingled within this show (look at Michael E. Knight). Goldin by far has been one of the best recasts during 2008. Here's hoping that the alphabet network does everything within it's power to keep him around for many years to come.

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