According to spoilers from TV Guide Canada, Soap Opera Digest, Soap Opera Weekly, & others - Jake and Taylor were suppose to share their first kiss next week on Thursday. Fans had mixed feelings about it, including me. Turns out that The Powers That Be at All My Children felt the same way, and the kiss has been postponed. It felt too rushed to everybody, and I agree.
Not much to say about this episode... Taylor and Frankie are hanging out with their fellow soldiers at BJ's. Jake and Amanda arrive to have dinner. Taylor and Frankie get into a fight about returning to Iraq. Taylor thinks about Brot and has an eruption of anger as Jake tries to calm her down. Back at the yacht - Taylor hides from Jake and Amanda, and Amanda wonders what's wrong with Taylor.
From the September 30th issue of Soap Opera Digest there is a write-up on fantasy stories using characters from multiple shows. There's one featuring Jake, Taylor, and GL's Cassie.
There are two Jake/Taylor items in the recent Soaps In Depth. There is a short review in the Remote Patrol section and poll results on whether they're a good match.
Someone on Ricky's Official FanSite found this little special on It's obviously from about May of this year and goes behind the scenes with the stars of AMC. Ricky is interviewed in two of the clips and is hilarious as always. He also describes his KISSING TECHNIQUE. Enjoy!
They dance! How exciting! I see chemistry just oozing from these pictures. I'm sure as they grow closer, their heat and attraction increase. Can't wait!
Could a kiss result from this dance or will Amanda interrupt them again? The wait is agony, lol.
Credit goes to TV MegaSite for creating it and to Ricky's Official FanSite for posting just the Jake/Taylor parts.
Taylor: I was just. Uh -- Amanda -- uh -- Amanda went to get crab dip. She'll be right back.
Jake: Are you all right?
Taylor: Yeah, yeah. Let me just turn off this music.
Taylor: What?
Jake: That's a great song.
Taylor: Is it? Oh, I -- I wasn't listening.
Jake: How's the foot?
Taylor: Perfect. Amanda went to get crab dip. I said that already.
Jake: Yeah.
Taylor: I think she went to set traps for those crabs.
[Taylor chuckles]
Jake: The table's beautiful.
Taylor: Oh, that's -- that's Amanda. She's great at that kind of stuff. You know, picking out the flowers and the napkin rings and putting everything where it needs to be. All the stuff I don't give a crap about.
[Jake chuckles]
Taylor: She picked out all your favorite foods, though.
Jake: Really? Crab dip?
Taylor: Oysters, Beef Wellington. I don't even know what that is.
Jake: Well, don't tell her, but I -- I'd be happy with a couple of chili cheese dogs, jalapenos and some onions, raw onions, extra onions.
Taylor: Raw onions? Well, that's a mood killer.
Jake: Yeah? Should I just stick with the crab dip, then?
Taylor: I think so. I mean, she went to pick it up, you know.
Jake: You wish it was you?
Taylor: What?
Jake: I -- I know Frankie got his orders. I was just wondering if you wished it was you.
Taylor: You know I do. In half a heartbeat I'd be back there. And all he's doing is walking around making noises like he doesn't want to go.
Jake: You have a problem with that?
Taylor: Frankie volunteered. He made a promise to serve his country.
Jake: Yeah, and he did his time.
Taylor: I wish people wouldn't make it sound like a prison sentence.
Jake: Well, for a lot of people, too many people, it was more like a death sentence.
Taylor: Which is exactly why we need men like Frankie, because he is the kind of person who saves lives. I've seen that man in action and let me tell you, if I had to pick who was standing next to me on the line, it would be him. He has brains and power, so I don't understand how he could contemplate not going back.
Jake: You guys are probably just very different people. You're what is called a lifer.
Taylor: I think it comes down to a matter of duty.
Jake: It's a different code for people.
Taylor: He made a commitment.
Jake: Yeah? So, he lived up to his commitment. He honored it, right?
Taylor: Red or white?
Jake: What?
Taylor: Amanda said that if you came back before she did, that I should offer you some wine. Would you like red or --
Jake: Oh, red is fine, thanks. But only if you have a glass with me.
Taylor: Ok.
Taylor: But you're right, I would give anything to be back there.
Jake: Hmm. And you're right, this sucks. Living in a yacht? It sucks.
Taylor: It's useless. I'm useless. What am I doing? Nothing. I'm -- I'm -- I'm setting tables. I'm arranging flowers. Kill me.
Jake: All right. So, what did the -- the Army doctor say? Did he give you a pass --
Taylor: He said I'm perfect. I'm almost perfect.
Jake: So? That's a yes, then?
Taylor: Yes, in triplicate.
Jake: Well, good for you. Then, where's your paperwork? Why aren't you on your way back to Iraq?
Jake: If we're as desperate for good soldiers as you are, you know, wanting to go back, I don't even know what you're doing here right now.
Taylor: Because they want me rested. They want me strong.
Jake: Because of Brot? Because of your loss?
Taylor: That's part of life.
Jake: So what are they saying? Calling it post traumatic stress?
Taylor: They threw P.T.S. at me, yeah.
Jake: Yeah, and?
Taylor: And it's bogus. And it's sexist. Just because I'm a woman who saw action?
Taylor: No, no, no, no, no. This is me because I'm a woman, because they see me as some delicate flower who can't handle what she saw over there.
Jake: Taylor, everybody needs a little time to heal, you know?
Taylor: Well, I don't. I'm fine. Actually, I'm more than fine. I am an experienced soldier, which is exactly what they need. You know, I can go over there now. I won't make the same mistakes. I'll know what to expect.
Jake: So, you're not having nightmares?
Taylor: You have nightmares.
Jake: You're having really bad nightmares, you know?
Taylor: What you saw over in Africa, that wasn't bad? What you saw, the poverty and the suffering and -- and the brutality that you saw? That wasn't bad?
Jake: I talk to people and that seems to help, you know?
Taylor: Well, I don't need to talk to people, because I don't need help.
Jake: It certainly wouldn't hurt you to talk to somebody.
Taylor: I should never have told you about Brot. I should have kept that to myself, because look at the way you look at me now.
Jake: How am I looking at you?
Taylor: You look at me like I'm weak, you look at me like I'm a head case.
Jake: Did I say that?
Taylor: You didn't have to.
Amanda: Wow. My party started without me.
Jake: Hi.
Amanda: Hey. Did you miss me?
Jake: Yes, absolutely.
Amanda: Thank you for your help. The table looks great.
Jake: That's what I was saying. I just thought it was beautiful.
Taylor: Yeah. Well, now that you're back, I should go.
Amanda: Oh, no, no, no. Here, finish your wine. You want to try the crab dip?
Taylor: No, thank you. I'll -- I'll pass.
Amanda: All right. Oh, look -- what party is complete without some pirate punch?
[Jake chuckles]
Amanda: Even better, I still have my parrot, and my eye patch if you're good.
Taylor: I'm going to be late for my movie. So, try not to go overboard, mateys.
Jake: Was that a joke? Did you actually just -- actually just make a joke? Was --
And no, it's not a date between Jake & Taylor. Amanda had left Taylor to finish up setting the table for her and Jake's date. Jake arrives way before Amanda returns and catches Taylor in a vulnerable moment. The song playing, btw, is "Hold On Tight" by Rie Sinclair. It's really beautiful and sad. Jake & Taylor end up in a rift over the Iraq War. He doesn't understand why anyone would want to go back, and she's completely ready to return. They discuss why she hasn't been cleared for going back, and the loss of Brot is one reason. Jake knows she needs to heal, but she believes she has healed enough. They're fighting as Amanda walks in. Taylor leaves, and Jake is a little distracted during a dance with Amanda. But his head clears when they begin to make love only to have his damn pager go off. He returns to the hospital while we see Taylor have another nightmare.
Credit goes to RyleefanAMC again. And I'll try to find out what song is playing at the very end. :)
Credit goes to TV Megasite. Retrieved from Ricky's Official FanSite.
Tad: So how's the baby?
Jake: Thanks. Uh, I left Annie in perfectly good hands. You know, everything is fine.
Tad: Huh. I was surprised you left the hospital.
Jake: The Ob-Gyn showed up. I figured, leave her alone with Ryan, you know? I'm trying to, you know, get out a little more. What is that look? Wait, what is that?
Tad: No, no. It's just I barely recognize you. No, I mean, this is great. Here you are. You're sitting here enjoying a beer, relaxing at the bar. You know, it's unusual. It's nice to have my brother back.
Jake: Not, uh, you know, I'm getting there.
Tad: Dad even says you're thinking about sticking around Pine Valley.
Jake: It's just that I haven't, you know, purchased an airline ticket yet. Yet.
Tad: What's her name?
Jake: Why does everybody always assume that it involves a woman? Why? All right, yes, yes. There's a woman. Yes, all right?
Amanda: All right, tell me what you think.
Taylor: Wow, really nice. You have so many nice clothes.
Amanda: Are you sure you don't mind taking off while Jake and I have dinner here?
Taylor: No, it's no big deal, really. And, actually, I can find another place to sleep tonight, if you need me to.
Amanda: Oh, no, no, no. We just need a couple hours for a romantic meal. Once we retire to the bedroom --
Taylor: Ok. I got it.
[Amanda chuckles]
Amanda: You're not interested in Jake, are you?
Jake: I -- she's good. It's good.
Tad: That's all I get? "It's good, it's good. I'm a mover. I'm a playboy."
Jake: She -- what do you want from me, what?
Tad: Details, come on. Details. I myself have known several great women in my time.
Jake: Oh, jeez.
Tad: I don't want to brag, but the question here is what makes her great in your eyes? You know, is she -- she useful? Can she hotwire a car? Thank you. Nut?
Jake: Yes, you are.
Tad: Is she -- is she up on the latest techniques of foosball? Is she exceptionally bendy?
Jake: I'm not dating "Gumby." I'm just -- we laugh, you know?
Tad: Works for me.
Jake: We just have a good laugh. We laugh.
Tad: Laugh -- there you go. Thank you, that's good. Laughter is good.
Jake: Yes, and she's easy, you know? To talk to. Easy to talk to.
Tad: Another admirable quality in a mate.
Jake: Yeah, she's just -- it's -- she's spontaneous, and she's energetic, positive person, you know? Dad said to get out there and, you know, find some fun, and that's it. I'm just having some fun.
Tad: Wait. You're taking dating advice from Dad? He hasn't been on a date since the Bronze Age.
Jake: Yeah, I know, I know, and when he said, "Sow your oats, son," I thought that was a little gross, but I -- you know, you know, it wasn't bad advice, because I got out there, and we're -- we're having a good time. It's great.
Tad: You are sowing your wild oats. You play hide the bayonet yet?
Jake: Stop that. That is disgusting.
Tad: Yeah, she's into corporal punishment --
Jake: You are being truly disgusting.
Tad: No, I'm not. She's in the military.
Jake: No, it's not the Army girl. How do you know about the Army girl, Taylor? How do you know about her?
Tad: What do you mean, "How do I know about her?" Jesse told me all about her, about you -- you stuck up for her at the police station after she took on the pimp at the -- the Fusion party, right?
Jake: I don't really -- I barely know her, so --
Tad: Well, that's funny, because Jesse made it sound like you were very close to Taylor.
Taylor: I'm getting deployed. I don't have time for romance.
Amanda: Oh, I thought you didn't know when you were leaving.
Taylor: Well, it could be any day now, and when the papers come, I am gone.
Amanda: Ok.
Taylor: I mean, I'm going to war. The last thing I need is a guy distracting me. I don't know how long I'll be gone. What kind of an idiot would I be to get into a relationship right now?
Amanda: I didn't say anything about a relationship. I asked you if you liked Jake, and I still don't know the answer.
Taylor: I think Jake is interesting.
Amanda: So do you like him?
Taylor: I respect him. You know, Doctors Without Borders, that's pretty impressive.
Amanda: He hasn't really told me much about it.
Taylor: Oh, uh, me, either. Really, I -- I just think being over in that part of Africa and seeing what he must have seen --
Amanda: Like what you saw in Iraq?
Taylor: I think we've both had these really tough jobs that took us really far away from home, and I don't know too many civilians like that, so when I met Jake --
Amanda: You thought he was interesting.
Taylor: Yeah, but, really, we have nothing in common.
Amanda: Well, you both like push-ups.
Taylor: Seriously, I -- I don't get how his brain works.
Amanda: Jake is like one of the smartest guys I've ever met.
Taylor: Exactly, which is why I don't understand why he doesn't understand how important -- it doesn't matter. I am -- it's not my place to pick who Jake Martin would be with, but I can tell you this. I don't think it's me.
Amanda: You think it might be me?
Jake: Amanda Dillon. That's who I'm -- who I'm seeing, dating, kind of, Amanda Dillon.
Tad: She a little young for you?
Jake: A little young for you.
Tad: Spell it out.
Jake: She is uncomplicated. It is an uncomplicated situation.
Tad: Uncomplicated, Amanda Dillon? Have you forgotten her mother? Janet from Another Planet? She stuffed a guy in a freezer.
Jake: Why -- why do you have to -- why do you have to bring that up? Let's just -- you know what? Let's just chill.
Tad: Easy, easy, easy.
Jake: You know what, let's just change the subject.
Tad: Easy there, Dale. You know what? Ok, terrific. If you're happy, I'm happy, and I mean it.
Jake: I hate it when people say that, because they're not --
Tad: No, it's true. It's the truth.
Jake: Did I say it's going anywhere? You know, we're having a good time. That's all.
Tad: I'm just glad you're sticking around town, ok? Besides, if this thing works out, you know, we can see each other a little more. We can double. You and I will be at the bar. Amanda and Kathy will be at the children's table. Chief.
Jesse: Thaddeus. Joseph.
Jake: Hey, how are you tonight?
Jesse: You having dinner with your brother?
Jake: Well, no.
Tad: Yes, I'm buying. I'm buying if you stick around.
Jake: No, no, I'm leaving. I've got to pick up Amanda from cheerleading. See you later.
Tad: Go get 'em, tiger. Where's your date?
Jesse: She's not here yet? Well, I guess she's stuck at the hospital.
Taylor: Ok, so when it's just you and Jake --
Amanda: Yeah.
Taylor: All alone.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Taylor: And he pulls you close to him, what do you feel?
Amanda: Hmm, heaven.
Taylor: Well, good. Good, then I -- I'm guessing you're probably a pretty good match.
Amanda: All right. Ok. Oh, no, oh, no.
Taylor: What, what?
Amanda: Ugh, I forgot the crab dip for the appetizers. Do you mind finishing up setting the table? It's not funny. If I -- if I run really fast to the store --
Taylor: No, go, go, go, go.
Amanda: Thank you, thank you. Ok, if Jake shows, just pour him a glass of wine. Tell him I will be right back to join him.
Taylor: Ok, but hurry.
Amanda: Ok, thank you.
[Song playing: Can I hold on tight to the memory of you and I? Can I hold on to you tonight and say good-bye?]
Very simply... Jake and Tad talk about Jake's reason for staying in town, which is Amanda. Tad thinks it's Taylor, but he's wrong. They joke throughout their conversation, and then Jake leaves for his date with Amanda. Meanwhile, Taylor and Amanda talk about Jake and whether Taylor is interested in him. After Amanda heads out to buy crab dip, Taylor finishes setting up the date. She puts on music and flashes back to dancing with Brot. She turns and sees Jake, and their eyes meet intensely. Very powerful moment. No words needed to be said. See for yourself...
The entry is titled: All My Children: 'GusH' Who? at And it poses the question: Who would you like to see paired? It's either Jake & Amanda, Jake & Taylor, or Taylor & Frankie. Go vote here:
Ricky Paull Goldin is happy to see AMC using Jake and Taylor to address the war in Iraq and wants viewers to know it's being handled with care. "We are being very sensitive because we going into territory that is happening in people's lives," assures the actor. "It's very real and very painful, and to not do that justice would be terrible an unacceptable. Beth and myself would not let that happen. Soldiers are coming and going, and some aren't coming back at all. We plan to treat that with the utmost respect."
Credit goes to TV Megasite again. I retrieved it from The Beth Ehlers Board.
Jake: I came from a war zone. Obviously, I didn't fight in it the way you did, but I know what its like to have images and pictures in your head, and you them out, and you want to forget about them, but they play over and over and over again.
Taylor: You saw a lot in Africa, did you, doc?
Jake: The worst part of it, I think, was the children getting their lives snuffed out for no good reason. It made me just want to --
Jake and Taylor: Scream.
Jake: Yeah.
Taylor: Run. Hide.
Jake: Yeah, and I did all of that. None of it works.
Taylor: What did?
Jake: Talking. Talking about it. I know what you're thinking. "He's not going to understand." And you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe I wouldn't understand. But I find that if you get it out, get it out of your body, it helps stop the nightmares.
Taylor: Nightmares?
Jake: That night in the apartment, you were thrashing around. You were yelling in your sleep.
Taylor: I'm sorry if I kept you awake.
Jake: No, it's quite all right. Do you remember your dreams?
Taylor: Oh, yeah. I've got them memorized.
Taylor: It was a Tuesday. I remember that. It was, uh, pretty quiet, you know, for the most part. It was hot. God, it was hot. You know, when the heat is just coming off in waves?
Jake: Where were you?
Taylor: South of Baghdad. In a convoy.
Taylor: Six vehicles, 34 troops, moving forward, setting up a tactical communications post.
Jake: What's your specialty?
Taylor: I'm an F.O.
Josh: What's that?
Taylor: Forward observer. I direct artillery fire and aircraft onto enemy positions. I'm the -- I'm the eyes when the target's out of sight. It used to be binoculars, now it's laptops.
Jake: So all of your unit, you're moving forward?
Taylor: Moving forward, and we hit a checkpoint. Pretty routine, and out of nowhere, this beat-up car fishtails into one of our Humvees.
Jake: Yours?
Taylor: No, I was bringing up the rear. This huge, orange flash and a massive explosion. And then silence. You know, you're kind of deaf after that, you know? And I felt like it went on forever, but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. All hell broke loose, you know, mortars and AKs and maybe 50 hajis. They were all over us. They didn't care what they hit as long as they hit someone or something. It was only after that I learned four of my guys, they died instantly in that explosion.
Jake: You don't have to do this, if you don't want to do it, ok?
Taylor: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Taylor: We couldn't move forward. So I drew our guys back into a -- a house maybe, I don't know, 100 yards away.
Jake: And you're still under fire this whole time?
Taylor: Oh, yeah, the whole time. But once we got to the house, we started pouring it back, and this one guy, Brot, Brot Monroe, he was going out of his mind. He took his 50-cal off the turret of his Humvee, and he -- and he perched it on top of a wall, and he had hub with him, right there.
Jake: Frankie?
Taylor: Frankie, and Frankie was feeding him, you know? And Brot is just spraying fire everywhere, and he is -- he's screaming at the top of his lungs. He just thought he was untouchable, you know?
Jake: Where are you?
Taylor: I ducked inside the house to secure the equipment, you know, to make sure it was safe, but I came right back out, and that's when it happened. The shell went off right in front of him. Frankie and the guys, they got thrown to the side, but Brot, it was bad. It was really bad.
Jake: Frankie was ok?
Taylor: Frankie was ok, and he looked at me, and he said, "L.T., I'll fix him. You go worry about everybody else." So I did. There wasn't time, you know? There wasn't time to do anything, to think, so I just -- I just kept going, until I got snagged from behind.
Jake: More gunfire?
Taylor: No, he didn't have a gun, or maybe his gun jammed, I don't know, but he grabbed me, and it was over before it started. I just -- I spun on him, and I-- I broke his neck.
Jake: And the Brot guy?
Taylor: He died a week later in Germany.
Jake: I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your friend.
Taylor: Oh, he was more than my friend. Once we got out of that hellhole, we were going to get married.
Jake: I don't know what to say.
Taylor: There's nothing to say. The only thing that'll make it easier is when I get to go back to do my job, to be with my troops. I don't belong here anymore. I'm not doing anything here. In Iraq -- you don't understand.
Jake: You're making a difference.
[Knock on door]
Amanda: Hello.
[Door closes]
Jake: Hi.
Amanda: Oh, my God. What a night. Hey. Are you ok?
Taylor: Yeah, I had a drink. It helped.
Jake: So how was the rest of the party?
Amanda: Well, I wouldn't so much call it a party as a full-blown media frenzy, but I worked those reporters like you wouldn't believe.
Jake: Oh, I believe it.
[Amanda laughs]
Amanda: Well, long story short, I saved Bella's ass.
Jake: See, I never knew perfume had an ass. I knew it had a body, but not an ass.
Amanda: Stick with me. You'll learn something new every day.
Taylor: I'm going to take off.
Amanda: To the -- to the yacht? Because I think Greenlee's already there, and the light should already be on.
Taylor: Thank you. Hey, you were great.
Amanda: Thanks.
Taylor: Tonight, you really helped her. Thank you, uh, for the talk.
Jake: Sure.
Taylor: Good night.
Amanda: Bye.
Taylor: How's she doing?
Frankie: Hanging in there? How are you doing?
Taylor: I'm fine.
Frankie: Good. Ah.
Taylor: Don't you --
Frankie: Ooh. Hey, listen, Fletcher, he was as low as they come.
Taylor: I know. Thanks. I'm just glad he didn't hurt her.
Frankie: Yeah, you and me both.
Taylor: Did she just go down?
Frankie: Yeah, I told her I would stay until she fell asleep.
Taylor: Well, mission accomplished. You can go. I'll make sure she's ok.
Frankie: You're positive? Because she's really fragile right now, and after what happened tonight, I know it shook her.
Taylor: I know. This may shock you, but I can actually relate to females. I'll even make her tea in the morning and a snack.
Frankie: Wow, what? You? Tea?
Taylor: So refined for such a tough girl, right?
Frankie: Yeah, well, we both know that you're not that tough. But you're one hell of a friend.
Jake and Taylor have a good, long talk. He relates to her by mentioning how horrific Africa was/is, and he understands how bad nightmares are. He says the best way to deal with the hardships is by talking. Taylor opens up to him about what she endured in Iraq. She remembers everything, and ultimately it's the guy she loved that caused her so much pain. She claims going back to Iraq would make everything better; she'd be making a difference. Jake and Taylor's talk so isn't over when Amanda arrives, but they have a better understanding of each other now. They have grown emotionally. Taylor leaves and has a quick talk with Frankie on the yacht. Separately, Taylor and Jake ponder the night's events.
Taylor strangles Fletcher to death after losing herself in Iraq memories. She's just as stunned as everyone else at her actions. Jake is by her side every step of the way. She lets Jesse take her to the police station and is questioned by him. She admits she lost control. After being free to go, she ends up at Jake's cabin. He's gentle with her while trying to get her to open up. And what happens between them will continue on Friday. :)
There aren't really any Jake & Taylor pictures. There's Jake individually, Jake with Amanda, and Taylor individually. They are all made by me of course.
The journey of Ricky Paull Goldin and Beth Ehlers on All My Children is now over since the show moved to Los Angeles and Beth was let go. This blog serves as an archive of their time from 2008 through 2009 as Jake Martin and Taylor Thompson.