From my experience "Caption This" are fun, and some websites have them as weekly contests for people to come up with the funniest dialogue. For this blog I don't expect to get many responses, so there won't be any contests. This is just something fun to do, and I'll be presenting my own dialogue. Please do feel free to share your own.
For this first one I'm using a perfect-quality photo from this entry: Photos of Jake & Taylor's 1st Scenes.

Taylor (thinking): This guy looks awfully cute. Why does it feel like I've seen him before?
Jake: I'm not hitting on you, I swear. But do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar.
That's obviously a nod to Ricky and Beth being on Guiding Light as the popular couple Gus & Harley. Of course they knew each other extremely well as those characters. They were married, after all. :)
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