December 15, 2008

12/12 Transcript

Credit goes to TV MegaSite again. Go here to read the full transcript:

Taylor: Hi. I -- long time no see. Where you been?

Jake: Been around. How's Brot?

Taylor: Uh, he's good. He's fine. He's not in the hospital anymore, but he's in town. He needs space. So we've been talking on the phone, which is kind of weird, you know, talking with him but not to him.

Jake: Right.

Taylor: I keep saying to myself, "How is any of this possible?" And he just keeps telling me that he's not the same man, so I said I'd like to know who you've become, and so we've been talking on the phone. I think I already said that.

Jake: Well, he's the same guy that you fell in love with, so --

Taylor: Jake, I can't do this.


Jake: I'm sorry, forgive me. I'm so tired. You -- you can't do what?

Taylor: Talk to you like you're my shrink. It's so weird.

Jake: He'll come around. Brot will come around.

Taylor: With you and me? I mean, I, um, what do you want to do? What should we -- do -- do we forget that -- forget it? Just act like it never happened?

Jake: I could -- I could never forget you.

Jake: Eric, I think she is ready to go back to her room now. Aren't you?

Taylor: It's ok. I can walk.

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