December 4, 2008

12/3 Transcript

Credit goes to TV MegaSite again. Again, I've included all of Jake's and Taylor's scenes.

Taylor: Brot? Say something?

Brot: Go away, Taylor.

Taylor: Oh, my God. Could you look at me?

Brot: I don't want you to see me like this.

Taylor: I need to see you.


Brot: You think I'm disgusting.

Taylor: No, I don't.

Brot: I saw it, Taylor. You looked at me and you had to pick your jaw up from the ground.

Taylor: I'm -- I'm in shock. I thought you were dead and now you're here. I -- I just -- I need a second to process this.

Brot: You had a second to look at me right here and see me but you couldn't. Just like everyone else, all they see is this.

Taylor: Wait.

Jake: Do you want to -- do you want to -- you could go after him. You want to go after him?

Taylor: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Jake: Didn't Frankie tell you? Didn't he -- didn't he warn you what he --

Taylor: What he would look like? Yes. I -- I saw him after the explosion. I knew it would be bad but --

Jake: He looks -- it's very shocking to see somebody that you love look the way that --

Taylor: I never should have reacted like that. Why did you tell him to leave?

Jake: I didn't tell him to leave.

Taylor: When I got here, I heard you tell Brot to go!

Jake: No, I don't -- no, I didn't. I said, "Go to you." I said -- that's what I said, "Go to you."

Taylor: Well, he wouldn't.

Jake: He's just scared. The guy is just, obviously, very scared of something here.

Taylor: He's afraid that I would react exactly the way that I did react which is why he let me believe he was dead. I didn't get it, you know, when Frankie tried to explain it. I didn't get it. I thought he was -- I thought Brot was just cruel and selfish. But seeing him? I guess Brot did die over there, at least most of him, anyway. With that one stupid look, I finished off the rest.


Taylor: Why did I do that? I couldn't keep it together for two seconds?

Jake: You were in shock. That's shocking.

Taylor: But that's -- that's what it's like for him every day. He looks into stranger's eyes, and he's met with this stunned reaction.

Jake: You're not a stranger, right?

Taylor: That is what makes it worse. How could he do this to me? How could he let me believe that he's dead. Maybe he -- maybe he wishes he were dead. Maybe -- maybe he wishes they had just let him die over there.

Jake: No, no, you can't think like that. He lived, and thank God he lived. And that -- that's -- alone, got to count for something.

Taylor: You sound awfully certain.

Jake: Well, he is still the man that you fell in love with, no matter what.

Taylor: Jake, you don't have to say that.

Jake: I know. I know, but he is a person. So maybe you should stop thinking about his face and start searching for his soul.


Jake: Ready to go up?

Taylor: Yeah. Did you find Brot? What happened?

Frankie: He's gone.

Taylor: Where? Did he say anything?

Frankie: Well, we got into it, and he took off.

Taylor: Because of me.

Jake: No, it's because of him.

Frankie: Well, Brot's convinced himself that he's a completely different person. I tried to get through to him, but --

Jake: It's all on him. She did not ask him to come looking for her, so --

Taylor: But he did, and that I ruined everything.

Frankie: Taylor, you could have had a completely perfect reaction. He still would have seen what he wanted to see.

Jake: It just makes it easier for him to walk away.

Taylor: That doesn't make it easier for me. I needed that chance. I needed to look at him and see if he's still in there somewhere.

Frankie: He is. He just has a different face.

Taylor: But I don't care about his face. I didn't fall in love with him for that.

Jake: I need to excuse myself. I have patients.

[Frankie sighs]

Frankie: The man is scared, Taylor.

Taylor: The Brot we knew wasn't scared of anything.

Frankie: Yeah, well, he's forgotten.

Taylor: Then why can't he let me remind him?


Taylor: You came back.

Brot: Don't turn around.

Taylor: Thought you left town.

Brot: On my way. I just wanted to say goodbye. I figured I owed you that much.

Taylor: So that's that? I have no say?

Brot: What's to say, Taylor? You didn't sign up for this.

Taylor: I signed up for you, I thought.

Brot: The old me, the man you were going to marry. That man doesn't exist anymore.

Taylor: I don't buy that.

Brot: Your face, L.T. You didn't see it, but when you looked at me --

Taylor: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm in a little bit of shock here. You didn't even give me a chance.

Brot: A chance for what? I shouldn't have come.

Taylor: It is you. You are all here -- All of you. I can see that now.

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