October 7, 2008

10/6 Transcript

Credit goes to TV MegaSite again. Taken from RPG's Official FanSite.

Jake: Excuse me. Hey. How you doing? Come here often, sailor?

Taylor: Now, that's an original line.

Jake: Yeah. Well, I've been calling you. Could I get a beer, Kyle? Just anything you got on tap is fine.

Kyle: Yeah, sure.

Taylor: Really? I've been busy.

Jake: Yeah? You've been avoiding me.

Taylor: I've been busy.

Jake: You're chicken.

Taylor: What?

Jake: You're chicken. I -- I guess I scare you or something.

[Taylor laughs]

Taylor: Um, terrorists scare me and IEDs scare me, but you don't scare me.

Jake: Okay. Well, I, uh -- I just wish that you hadn't left so quickly because we didn't get to -- thank you -- finish talking about what we were talking about.

Taylor: What were we talking about?

Jake: I see you, Taylor. Okay? And you talk about missing your fiancé. I see you trying to figure out who you are when -- when you try to find yourself --

Taylor: I'm not sure where you're going with this, but actually I have to go because I'm getting up very early in the morning --

Jake: Do not walk away from me, please.

Taylor: What do you want from me, Jake?

Jake: Why are you so hostile with me? What did I ever do to you? Have I done something --

Taylor: Why am I -- you know what? You always make me -- why can't I just buy you a beer, we play a game of pool, and we go our separate ways?

Jake: No, what were you trying to say before? You started to say I do what? I always make you feel what?

Taylor: You always make -- when I'm with you, I --

[Taylor sighs]

Jake: What?

Taylor: You make me feel vulnerable. Okay? I said it. There, you happy? Vulnerable.

Jake: So, what's wrong with that?

Taylor: Everything. I can't be vulnerable. I don't do that, not on a battlefield, not in a bar, and not with you.


Jake: I think you're scared of me.

Taylor: I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of -- I -- I don't do the touchy-feely thing, okay? It's weak.

Jake: Hmm. So, you can arm-wrestle and -- and curse with your buddies from your unit, but you can't be yourself with a friend.

Taylor: Wasn't the point? It's pathetic. It's useless.

[Jake sighs]

Jake: Do you know how you are when you talk to me and -- those little moments when you open up and talk about your fiancé and how much you miss him -- at those moments, I can see how much you miss him and how much you love him and that person, that woman, that's the person that I'm -- that I'm interested in. That's the person that I want to -- that I want to --

Taylor: Help?

Jake: No, but --

Taylor: Change?

Jake: No.

Taylor: You don't want this, Jake. You want cleavage and giggles. You don't want a solider. You don't want a screwed-up soldier.

Jake: Are you paying attention? I think you're amazing.

Taylor: Because I beat you in a sprint? I --

Jake: No, because you make me think. You -- you challenge me.

Taylor: I'm -- I'm done thinking for tonight -- done talking.

[Music plays]

Taylor: What?

Jake: No, uh, talking. No thinking.

[Jake and Taylor dance]

Singer: Take the time to let it be the things you loved don't make a sound you never go where you can't be found is it love or is it greed? Is it you or is it me?

Singer: Promise of affection takes me in let it in let it in.

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