October 1, 2008

9/26 Transcript

Credit goes to TV Megasite again. Taken from The Beth Ehlers Board.

Angie: Why can't he understand that this is a good thing?

Taylor: I don't see what's so good about a D.U.I.

[Phone rings]

Jesse: I've got to -- I got to take this.

Angie: I'm not going to apologize for being relieved that my son's been spared even if only for six months.

Taylor: Six months. Six months when he could've been over there doing a world of good.

Angie: Or been killed.


Angie: I know you've been pressuring my son to do his duty.

Taylor: No, I'm on his side, really.

Angie: As long as he puts his life on the line.

Taylor: No, I -- I just want Frankie to do what's right for him.

Angie: You know the night with the boys from his unit? How did that end? Frankie with a D.U.I., And my guess is that he is so conflicted, so pressured to serve, when it's the last thing that he wants. He got drunk.

Taylor: Or maybe he got drunk because he doesn't want to leave his girlfriend. Yeah, he's conflicted. He's got a girlfriend begging him to stay and a mother.

Angie: I will not lose my son to that war.

Taylor: Angie, please, try to understand. Frankie is -- he's like the best soldier in the unit and -- and a soldier of his caliber and his skill. He's not over there while his buddies are fighting. Imagine how he must feel, how helpless, how out of place.

Angie: He feels? He feels? You feel. You're a career soldier. This is your life. It's not about Frankie.

Taylor: Well, he volunteered.

Angie: Yes, he did, and when he came back after months of praying for his safe return, we almost lost him for good. Now, I don't know what he saw over there because he won't talk about it, but whatever it was, Frankie disappeared into a place so deep, so far away, that the only reason we have him back in our lives is because he got sick. Now, he doesn't have any physical scars, but my son was wounded over there, and I'll be damned if I let him go back.

Taylor: It's not your call.

Angie: No, it's not. I know that. Just like I know that after you showed up with that silver star and that sales pitch about hope and honor and the good old days on the battlefield --

Taylor: There's no "good old days." People are dying over there.

Angie: You act like this is one big party, the only place to be.

Taylor: That's not been my intention. Ple -- it's a nightmare over there, but we are doing something important. We are saving lives, a country. Somebody has to make that sacrifice.

Angie: Not my son.

Taylor: No, somebody else's son, right? I don't expect you to understand.

Angie: No, I don't expect you to understand. You are not a mother or a wife. Do -- do you know what it's like to lose a husband, a son, on the battlefield? No, because I don't think you could possibly understand what that is like.

Angie: You're right. I'm sorry. What do I know?

Jesse: Somebody's not happy.

Angie: You agree with her, don't you? Let Frankie do what he wants, even if it means going off to that damned war.

Jesse: He's a man, Angela, a strong man, a brave man. He's proved himself over and over, time and time again. Maybe it's time that you started looking at him as a grownup and realize that a lot of that growing up happened while he was over in Iraq, away from his mother.


Frankie: Oh, what's up, man? Sorry I'm late.

Jake: It's all right. How are you? How did it go?

Frankie: Could've been worse. Probation, suspended license, community service.

Jake: Hmm, ok. About Iraq?

Frankie: Yeah, six months, when my probation's up.

Jake: All right. That's a slight reprieve.

Frankie: Yeah, I guess so. Hey, man, I'll catch you on the flip.

Jake: Ok.

Taylor: Did you talk to him? Did he tell you about the courtroom?

Jake: Yeah, well, I know everything. So what do you think? And he tried to wiggle out of redeployment, and he would do it any way he could, even if it meant getting a D.U.I.?

Taylor: I'm getting quite a reputation in this town. No, I don't think that. I think Frankie is conflicted. I understand. I do. I get it, I get it.

Jake: So what's your story?

Taylor: I have a doctor's appointment.

Jake: Oh, is it the foot? Want me to take a look at it?

Taylor: No, it's my head. Psychiatrist.

Jake: Trying to get some help. Good. That's very good.

Taylor: I am not seeing a shrink because I have post-traumatic stress disorder. I'm seeing one to prove I don't have it.

Jake: You know, the whole point of seeing a therapist -- let me rephrase that. You know you got to be honest when you talk to a shrink, right?

Taylor: Why wouldn't I be?


Jake: I think you would do whatever it takes to get back to Iraq. That's what I think.

Taylor: Whatever it takes?

Jake: Right, like lying.

Taylor: I'm rested. I'm willing. I'm able.

Jake: Hmm, are you going to tell the doctor about the nightmares?

Taylor: I'm going to pass the evaluation.

Jake: What about the tremors? Or are you going to sit on your hands for the whole session?

Taylor: Check it out. Rock solid.

Jake: Yeah, the doctor's going to ask you what you saw over there and what it felt like to see your fiancé die.

Taylor: I get it. I can handle it.

Jake: What happens when you start shaking when you get upset? Are you going to hide that? Are you going to hide that from the doctor?

Taylor: Jake, I'm going back. Deal with it, ok? This is what I do. I'm good at it.

Jake: And I think you're good at fooling people.

Taylor: Where do you even get off saying -- you don't -- you know me.

Jake: It's just that you act so tough, and you don't care what I think, which is fine, but you -- you act like you don't care what anybody thinks.

Taylor: I don't, and you know what? Just do me a favor. Don't try to get into my head.

Jake: Ok.

Taylor: Don't try to act like you have any idea what I think.

Jake: You don't care what I think. That's fine.

Taylor: Because you don't know me.

Jake: No, but I think you're a liar. I'm sorry. You're shaking. Is everything ok?


Taylor: You're avoiding me now?

Frankie: I'm behind schedule, and we ain't about to sit here and talk about my redeployment either.

Taylor: Ok. Can we talk about mine? I -- I need something. For this. Can you help me?

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