...Is going on RIGHT NOW! THIS WEEKEND! And Ricky is there! Beth opted not to go because she's never been to Disney World with her sons, and she doesn't want to miss out on them experiencing Disney for the first time. So, anyway, Ricky has a loaded schedule that it's a wonder when he has time to eat or enjoy Disney, lol. He's a busy man and lives to please his fans. I hope I'll be able to share lots of reports and photos from Ricky's events.
First we have his schedule, thanks to Ricky's Official FanSite: http://rickypaullgoldinfans.yuku.com/topic/875
As with ALL pictures, click on it to make it larger. :)
SoapNet is hosting two live blogs/commentaries (one for Saturday and one for Sunday). Here are the links to both:
Saturday, November 15
Sunday, November 16
And finally, here is Ricky info from Saturday's blog, thanks to Ricky's Official FanSite...12: 45 pm: One of the cool things about Super Soap is they do motorcades, where the actors ride up "Hollywood Boulevard". It's a great photo op, and it culminates in a Q&A on stage. We were there to catch "All My Children" stars Eden Riegel (Bianca), Darnell Williams (Jesse), Bobbie Eakes (Krystal), Vincent Irizarry (Jake) and Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake) as they made their way in the motorcade. The cool thing is they blast the "AMC" theme music while this is going on.
Ricky Paull was asked how it feels to be part of a show with such legacy. He said he was really excited, particularly when he found out he was going to be a Martin. He's having a blast, but admitted sometimes the medical jargon is difficult to learn. Vincent joked that heard that the character of Jake once shot his own grandmother. Wait, back up a second. Jake shot Grandma Kate? When did that happen, when he was like two? That's insane, we've got to research that. Is that true?
Other highlights of the show: Bob joking that that no one can understand Aiden (Turner, who plays Aidan) with his accent, Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake) explaining his mother called him after his scenes where he operated on Tad to tell him "you looked like you were eating pasta" and Cameron Mathison forgetting that Annie was the one kidnapped with Emma.