November 18, 2008

11/18 Transcript

Credit goes to TV MegaSite again. Also included are Taylor's scenes with Tad since they talk about Jake.

Jake: You've got this, uh, beautiful, vulnerable side to you that very few people get to see, and, luckily, I'm one of those people.

Taylor: Wow.

[Taylor chuckles]

Taylor: I think I could actually fall in love with you.


Jake: I knew this would happen.

Taylor: What exactly did you know would happen?

Jake: I don't know if it's my rakish good looks or my medical genius or my ability to pull off white after labor day.

Taylor: What are you babbling about?

Jake: It's my patients -- every time. Every single one of them -- they fall in love with me. Last week, this patient -- this bird, an actual bird, came in with a broken wing. Fixed it. Now that bird follows me everywhere I go.

Taylor: So we're going to put it out there, but you're not comfortable talking about it?

[Jake chuckles]

Jake: No, we have a lot in common. Now let's -- let's fix you. Come on.

Taylor: More dancing?

Jake: Oh, yeah, time for dancing with this doll right here. Let's go. Ready?

Taylor: Ok.

Jake: Ok.

Taylor: This time I lead.

Jake: Is that right?

Taylor: That's right.

Nurse: Dr. Martin?

Jake: Yeah.

Nurse: It's an emergency. A Greenlee Smythe on the phone.

Jake: Oh. Ok.


Tad: Well, hello to you, too.

[Taylor laughs]

Tad: Sorry, force of habit. I'm looking for Jake, and the word around the grapevine is he spends most of his time in here.

Taylor: Well, he was here, but there was an emergency. He's on a plane.

Tad: Hmm.

Taylor: He left me this, though.

Tad: Potato?

Taylor: Yeah, it's to remind me not to be a couch potato.

Tad: See what he did there?

[Taylor laughs]

Tad: My brother, the romantic.

Taylor: Isn't he, though?

Tad: Yeah. I'm sorry, Taylor. I know he's, uh, he's been awfully hard on you.

Taylor: Yeah, drill sergeant hard. Lunatic, maniac, drill sergeant hard.

Tad: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Half the time, I've wanted to kill him. But he did do something right.

Tad: Which is?

Taylor: He didn't take no for an answer.


Taylor: Thanks. Actually, I wanted to apologize to you. The last time you were here, I -- I was kind of pathetic. You know, I was wallowing.

Tad: Ah.

Taylor: Your brother snapped me out of it, though.

Tad: You mean he tortured you until you were willing to make the first move?

Taylor: Relentlessly.

Tad: Hmm. Well, that's Jake. I should thank you because if you want to know the truth, I think you snapped him out of something, too.

Taylor: Me?

Tad: Yes, you.

Taylor: Must be my fantastic dancing.

Tad: Yeah, there is that. I think it's your heart and your strength. You're a very formidable person. And those are the things that Krystal brought back to my life, you know, before. Before she showed up, I would spend most of my time running into the wall, wallowing, being pathetic. And then she walked in and, like I say, snapped me out of it. Yeah, I don't care what anybody says. Being with somebody you know has got your back no matter what, that's the best kind of motivation there is, and peace.

Taylor: One thing that's important, though -- trust.

[Taylor chuckles]

Tad: Yeah. It's the heartbeat of a relationship.

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