Credit goes to TV MegaSite again.
Taylor: I told you people, get out!
[Crashing sound]
Joe: No luck?
Man: Still got my head. Guess you can call that luck.
Joe: Yup. Hmm.
Jake: What's going on?
Joe: Oh, it's Taylor. We're trying to set her up with Physical Therapy.
Jake: She doesn't want to do it?
Joe: Well, we'll send in one therapist after another, and no one has gotten much further than through the door. We're going to have to invest in body armor.
Jake: Well, Dad, aren't you exaggerating a little bit? The woman can't even get out of bed.
Joe: Well, why don't you give it a try?
[Crashing sound]
Jake: How much is a suit of body armor?
Taylor [on the phone]: You know us. We have to always make a difference. Like you say, make a difference. Um, really soon, really soon -- sir, I already got my redeployment papers. Yeah. Hey, Dad, um, why don't I call you back next week? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Bye. [Hangs up] You should let me know you're coming. I'll put it on speaker. You can hear every word.
Jake: You're going to be calling from Iraq next week. That's going to be an expensive phone call. Lie to him all the time?
Taylor: That's none of your business.
Jake: Really? Well, let's talk about what is my business. What are you doing? Lying in bed, acting like an invalid. Refusing everybody's help, refusing to try. Look, all I can say to you is, as your doctor --
Taylor: Oh, save it. I am not your patient.
Jake: Oh, really? Because look at the chart. On the chart it has my name right there at the bottom.
Taylor: I don't care what the chart says. Get yourself another chart. Because as of right now, Doc, you're fired.
[Taylor throws the chart]
Jake: You know, we have a very nice staff here. People want to help you. All you have to do is apply yourself.
Taylor: Who, who -- you? You and the amazing staff of Pine Valley -- you're going to fix me, are you? Let me tell you what I think about hospitals. A hospital couldn't fix Brot. Why would I be any different?
Jake: Oh, so -- wait, let me get this straight. Because Brot didn't make it, you think you deserve to die? Is your life over or something?
Taylor: I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs. I can't feel this. So what do you want me to do? Do you want me to get up out of the bed, and you want me to fall on my ass again?
Jake: Well, I think it's better than holing yourself in a room and being rude to everybody. That's what I'm saying.
Taylor: It doesn't matter if I try or don't try. I'm out. Medical discharge -- do you get that?
Jake: Yes, I get it, and that sucks. It sucks for you, but I'm so tired of hearing about you want to go back to Iraq. I'm saying that because things change. Things change, ok? Being a soldier --
Taylor: Is my life.
Jake: Being a soldier is not everything. It's not everything. Well, what happens in a year from now -- what happens in five years from now? Were you really planning to be stationed in Iraq for the -- for -- forever?
Taylor: Is there a point to this?
Jake: I'm -- I'm saying, what about the rest of your life?
Jake: Do me a favor. Just -- for a moment, just pretend this never happened. Ok, the accident -- this accident -- it never happened. The war is over. That uniform that you love so much is hanging up in a closet somewhere. Now what?
Taylor: Um, I'm a soldier. I'm waiting for my orders.
Jake: Now what about the rest of your life? About living the rest of your life?
Taylor: You don't hear me when I talk to you. Being a soldier is my life. If I don't have that, I may as well be dead.
Joe: Dr. Barnaby, our head cardiologist, suffered a heart attack this morning.
Angie: Oh, my God. Is he all right?
Joe: David Hayward happened to be there, and he saved his life.
Jake: Oh, maybe we'll find a trophy around here some place.
David: Hmm, and I'd be happy to accept it. Thanks, Jake.
Joe: With Barnaby out of commission and the other cardiologist injured, we are going to need a replacement.
Jake: Well, I know you're not suggesting --
Angie: Joe, shouldn't the board discuss this before you make a decision?
Joe: They're the very ones that are pushing me here to act. We're going to lose our certification if we don't get a cardiologist on staff immediately.
Jake: Well, we'll find somebody because this would be a huge mistake.
David: Don't you think you're being a little bit dramatic?
Joe: Ok, now listen to me. It's much worse than you think. The damage to the hospital from the storm was far worse than we anticipated. Zach Slater's threatening to sue us.
Jake: I'll deal with Slater, Dad, all right?
Joe: All right, all right. Then we don't know the fallout from Taylor's accident anymore, so my hands are tied. And if ever there was a time for all of us to put our personal feelings aside and pull together, this is it.
Jake: Well, that's a pretty tall order.
Joe: So, David, I -- I know you know what I'm going to ask you, but I should make it formal. Would you consider rejoining the staff of Pine Valley Hospital?
Jake: I don't know, I don't know. I don't know how to help her. She's -- she's in treatment.
Tad: What do you -- wait, I don't understand. You're saying she doesn't want to get better?
Jake: She says that if she gets, um, medically discharged from the military, she'd rather be dead.
Tad: Well, what does her family say?
Jake: They don't know.
Tad: Well, why not?
Jake: Because she hasn't told them. In fact, it's just the opposite. She's told them that everything is fine and actually, she's going back to Iraq in a couple of days.
Tad: Wow.
Jake: Yeah, wow. The amazing thing is, I don't know even know if the damage is permanent or not.
Tad: And if she doesn't get out of bed --
Jake: How are they going to find out?
Tad: Admit it, you really care about her, don't you?
Jake: Mm.
Tad: Joseph, there's something you got to --
Jake: There's something I got to tell you, by the way. You know that David Hayward was re-hired at this hospital?
Tad: Will you stop bitching at me for two seconds and listen?
Jake: It's worse than that. I don't want to hear it.
Tad: Hey, look. A few weeks ago somebody -- somebody contacted me -- specifically wanted me to look into Taylor Thompson.
Jake: Somebody who?
Tad: That's just it, they didn't say.
Jake: What did they want to know?
Tad: Well, you know, like, how she was doing, whether or not she was ok, when she's going to get re-deployed back to Iraq. The last time I heard was e-mail this morning, and they specifically asked me how she was faring after the tornadoes.
Jake: You were going to tell me this when? Were you going to get around to telling me?
Tad: What can I say? Come on, give me a break. I decided I wasn't going to tell you until I knew who it was. However, you know, now with circumstances, given her condition --
Jake: Is it a family member?
Tad: I don't know. I got to tell you, I've got no idea, but one thing is for sure. Whoever they are, they care about her, too. So, I sent them back an e-mail with my phone number, saying that if they want to take this thing any further, they want any more from me, they were going to have to give me a call.
Jake: And?
Tad: And I kind of think it's high time we bring Taylor in on it. You know, maybe she's got an idea who they are.
Jake: Ooh, I don't think that's a good idea.
Tad: Jake.
Jake: What?
Tad: You said yourself, you got no way of getting through to her, right? Maybe this person does.
Taylor: What is so difficult about get out?
Jake: Grazie, prego. Hey, I come bearing gifts.
Taylor: That is your idea of a gift?
Jake: Yeah, I was going to wrap but it's got a lot of awkward angles and, you know, paper comes in --
Taylor: You need to get that out of my room.
Jake: Aw, come on, this is great. You have no idea. And besides you're not wanting to do the therapy and so, that means you're not going to walk out of here, and eventually we're going to need the room, and I don't know, I thought, you know, you'll have to wheel yourself out.
Taylor: No, thank you.
Jake: Are you sure? Because this is a lot of fun. I leave -- I'll help you get out of bed. Just try it.
Taylor: Don't touch me.
Jake: Mm, all right. You don't know what you're missing. Honestly, look at this. Woo! Woo woo hoo hoo woo! Who put that cabinet there. Woo!
Taylor: How dare you?
Jake: Hold on a second.
Taylor: How dare you? How dare you come in here and act so flip, like I'm just supposed to accept this - accept that as my life?
Jake: Doesn't have to be your life.
6 years ago
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