November 7, 2008

11/6 Transcripts

Credit goes to TV MegaSite again:

Taylor: Rise and shine.

Jake: Who took my wallet?

Taylor: You snore. You laugh. You snort.

Jake: I'm sorry. You didn't get any sleep? Good.

Taylor: Could you get up and come over here, because I'd just love to kick your --

Jake: You know what? You don't get to sleep. I'm the doctor, so I'm the boss of you, and I say no sleep.

Jake: Do I have bed head?

Taylor: Why don't you just leave? What are you doing?

Jake: Why? You got gum? Or one of those things that you open, and you go --

Taylor: All right, you -- you got to get out. You -- you got to get out.

Jake: Oh-oh. Memory loss. That's bad, Vern. Write that down. "Memory loss." All right, you know what? We should review. That's what we need to do. Here's the story. I walk out of here when you tell me you're ready to walk out of here.

Jake: Uh-uh. It's just you and me.

Taylor: This is ridiculous. I get to choose my treatment or to not have my treatment. I get to choose that.

Jake: Right, you get to choose that because you're not a victim, although you do kind of look a little bit like a victim at the moment.

Taylor: You can't make me. What are you doing now?

Jake: Blocking out the light, because where you're going, you don't need light, grave and all that. And this here? Meds? You don't need these. Too much swallowing involved. It's a lot of work, every day, swallowing.

Taylor: Oh, my God. You are crazy.

Jake: I'm crazy? I'm crazy? I'm trying to help you achieve your goal here.

Taylor: I am seriously going to have to register a complaint against you. This isn't normal.

Jake: Shh --

[Spanish dialog in background]

Taylor: You don't even know what they're saying.

Jake: You don't really need to understand the words. It's about a woman -- obviously talking about a woman. No, it's a donkey they're talking -- no, it's a woman.

Taylor: I think they're doctors fighting over a patient. See how egomaniacal? They're trying to save the world, obviously overcompensating.

Jake: That's what you're getting out of this? No, it's -- it's a woman. Listen, and this guy right here, he's a good guy, and he's trying to defend her honor. He's the one that she should fall in love with. This guy right here? He's the bad guy. He's -- he's like, you know, Mr. Sleazebag, "I sleep with everybody," you know, break-your-heart guy, this one.

Taylor: You have no clue what is going on up there.

Jake: Yes, I do. It's about a woman. Pfft, clown.

[Speaking Spanish on TV]

Jake: He's going for a gun. He's got a gun, he's got a gun! Oh.

[Speaking Spanish on TV]

Jake: It's good stuff, right? It's good.

Taylor: It's crap.

Jake: Crap? No, no, it's about a woman. They're -- it's always about a woman. Unless its about a bullfighter or a toreador or a matador, you know, machismo types, not the ones that wear tights and twinkly shirts and ballet shoes. What's that right there? What was that? It was a laugh?

Taylor: You better stop.

Jake: No, I think it was a laugh. Definitely heard something.

Taylor: No.

Jake: Was it a snort? Wasn't a snort. It's a laugh, see? The patient lives.

Jake: It's a lot more fun when you're kicking my ass at this.

Taylor: Don't you have a radical bunion to remove or something?

Jake: No, I'm off the clock.

Taylor: Oh, well, you should go home.

Jake: No, and do what?

Taylor: Well, you could show off your big guns to Amanda. She's a huge fan.

Jake: Ah, I can't do that.

Taylor: Why, do you have a pedicure appointment?

Jake: No, because, uh, we broke up.

Taylor: Really? Why?

Jake: You know, if you worked your legs as much as you ran your mouth, you might actually get someplace.

Taylor: Wh -- what -- what -- what happened?

Jake: I'm losing count here. 999 --

Jake: Now this should be a good life. It should be good. As long as you have a nice ceiling wherever you are and four shiny walls.

Taylor: So what happened?

Jake: Nothing holding you back but yourself.

Taylor: Jake. Wh -- why did you break up with Amanda?

Jake: Uh -- because of you.

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