The Orlando Sentinel on-line posted a recap of the event and mentioned Ricky...
The two stars we actually spoke with:
Ricky Paull Goldin, who was fun, charming, and had a great bantering rapport with the crowd. He's a newbie to Super Soap, and to ABC in general (he spent years as Gus on CBS's "Guiding Light" and before that was Dean on NBC's "Another World.") He seemed awed by the supportive fans and the turnout, and was equally attentive to those who knew him from past roles or his current gig as Jake on "All My Children."
Vincent Irizzary was also pleasant, though more rushed for time when we saw him. It was quite late and quite cold, and his allotted time for meet-and-greets was up, but he still came around to fans without tickets and signed photos for them.
And finally, someone has posted two clips of "The Men We Love" Talk Show, which Ricky was a part of. Also included are: Brandon Buddy (Cole, OLTL), Brandon Barash (Johnny, GH), Greg Vaughn (Lucky, GH), Tyler Christopher (Nicholas, GH), Thorsten Kaye (Zach, AMC), Aidan Turned (Aiden, AMC), John-Paul Lavosier (Rex, OLTL), and Darnell Williams (Jesse, AMC). Sherrie Shephard of The View hosted this event.
Credit goes to ElizabethAnn5201 on YouTube. The audio quality is not the best. You have to turn it up to hear the men & Sherrie but turn it down due to the screaming audience.
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